Monday, January 18, 2010

"Before" Pictures

Okay I am a couple days late posting this. I didn't realize how much I dreaded taking pictures of myself designed specifically to show off my size. According to, posting these pictures and my goals makes it 300% more likely that I will succeed. Anyone who is going on this journey with me, I encourage you to post pics of your own. I have an account at and at These sites have tools, encouragement and forums to talk to folks going through the same thing. Any journey is easier and more fun with friends! So, check out my pictures. I will post progress pictures here and on the other two sites, as well as how I am following the plan, among other things. Comment, sign up to follow my blog, email me...Post your own successes! I really appreciate those of you who read my blog. I will announce a giveaway soon, to coincide with my birthday in April. Check back here often and tell your friends!


  1. Hey Ms Tree, It's Jenn. I signed up to follow you:) I am @ 220 lbs ugh. I was only about 189 when I was in AR I went on birth control pills here and gained bout 30 lbs in a couple months! As soon as I realized it I stopped taking them. I started eating a lot healthier Jan 1st (brown rice, eggs, whole grain cereal) I will no longer buy anything that is not whole grain such as pasta/rice etc. I don't know if you like lentils but I read that they are fabulous belly flatteners. I started at 228 so I have lost some which is encouraging. My mom bought me a pair of Sketchers shape ups and they take a little getting used to wearing but once you do they are awesome. I also have a glider machine I bought at a garage sale for 5 bucks. I dont use it nearly as often as I should though. Anyways best of luck.

  2. Good luck, Jennifer! Keep us posted on your success. Gliders are fun. We use ours (not as often as we should) while watching TV.
