Saturday, November 07, 2009

Historic Doesn't Mean Good

I have been listening to the debate on the House floor regarding the Pelosi health care bill. Those in favor of it keep saying, "We have a chance to do something historic..." I would just like to say that Hitler did lots of historic things, few of them good. Napoleon did some good historic things and some heinous historic things. Wanting to be part of something historic, changing things for change's sake, is not a good reason to ram through a thoroughly unpopular bill that will limit the freedoms of the America people. Some of the arguments on the Democrat side were sob stories about how people have to fight with their insurance companies over uncovered conditions. I cannot believe that any government run insurance program is going to cover even as much as the worst private insurance company out there. The programs they currently run are rife with corruption that goes undiscovered and costs the public billions. I don't want to trust my life or the lives of my children to the federal government. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little stunned... as someone who doesn't have any medical coverage AT ALL and has a chronic disease that could possibly take everything away from me... and without some of my meds will be in a wheelchair, possibly soon, I am all for anything they can do to give me insurance. And people with insurance need to shutup!!! Sorry, you have your opinions and I have mine.
